Educational Impact

When technology is incorporated into the classroom, students end up spending more and more time on the Internet. Students are often given assignments that they must collaborate online with their peers. During these collaborations many fantastic things may happen educationally, but the risk of a student or group of students picking on one other person is definitely run. Students get into chat room-like discussions that can go terribly wrong when not monitored. Bullying has always been a problem in schools, but at school teachers are around to mediate. When a teacher is not directly involved in discussions taking place online, the content will almost never stay on topic. For this reason it is imperative that teachers monitor conversations being held online that apply to their class.

It would be a reassuring thought to think that teachers could control all conversations that take place online but unfortunately, they cannot. Children are able to talk through many different social networks and in chat rooms with people whom they may or may not even know. Children are easily cyber-bullied through these mediums when no adult is present to mediate the conversation. Children who are cyber-bullied often become very depressed, as any other victim of bullying would. The bullying is often done by their peers, but the victim does not always know who his or her attacker is because of the nature of cyberspace. Someone can pretend to be a completely different person online, and the victims of cyber-bullying often do not know of this. Many children withdraw from their social lives in school, and try to stay away from any potential attacker. As sad as it is, children such as Megan Meier end up committing suicide because of the devastating and lasting effects that being cyber-bullied has on them.

Today, people who understand the effects of cyber-bullying on children are speaking out against it. There have been numerous cases in which children suffer from cyber-bullying and are affected by it enough that they end up taking their own lives. Their families and friends are raising awareness through their personal stories and providing help for those who may be in need of it. This is a video about a girl who committed suicide because she was being cyber-bullied. Her parents found her hanged in her closet. It wasn’t until later that her parents found out that it was not even another child cyber-bullying her, but it was in fact the mother of one of her peers who was seeking revenge for her own daughter being bullied. Many people don’t realize how drastic of an effect cyber-bullying can have on an individual, so videos such as this help to really make the horror of this topic real for everyone.

For more information about the impact that cyber-bullying has on students' lives, visit these links below:
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