Tuesday, April 12, 2011


If teachers are friends with their students on social networks such as facebook, their private lives as displayed online absolutely should be scrutinized. When the teachers allow their students to see what goes on in their lives outside of the classroom, everything they see should be age appropriate for all students. If a teacher has photos in which substances such as alcohol are visible, they should not be viewable by their students. It is one of a teacher's many responsibilities to protect his or her students from negative influences whenever possible. Teachers should be role models for their students, and allowing students to see inappropriate material sets a bad example. Where the line should be drawn seems to be the biggest question involving this issue. Many cases of school boards attempting to fire teachers over pictures found on the internet involve a single glass of wine or a beer on the table in the picture. Photographs such as these are not legitimate reasons for a teacher to lose his or her job. A teacher who is of age and has posted a picture of herself drinking a glass of wine on vacation in Italy does not deserve to lose her teaching license for any reason presented in the photograph. If this same teacher posted a photograph of herself belligerently drunk and dancing on a table during her vacation in Italy, I could see the school board having a case to go off of. Even if the teacher did have this picture on her facebook though, if she was an excellent teacher and her students had no way of seeing the picture, I would still have a hard time saying she should be fired. If the teacher is responsible enough to keep her personal life separate from her work life and continue to excel in her work, there is no real reason why she should lose her job.

As long as a teacher can be responsible about what he or she posts on social networking sites there should not be a problem. I don't feel that it is necessary for teachers to be "friends" with their students on facebook, especially when websites such as Edmodo are available for their use. When I become a teacher, I will not have any pictures that could be used against me in my career, nor will I allow my personal life to be put on display for my students. I will keep my personal life and career completely separate as I believe they should be. I do not want to take the risk of being fired over having a glass of wine after a rough day at work, so I will not put myself at risk for that. Especially now that teachers know the risks of putting photos involving alcohol on the internet for others to see, they should really reconsider posting them at all. Is showing the world something like a picture of yourself drinking a margarita in Mexico really worth your job? I think not. If you are really dying for your friends to see those pictures, why not invite them over to your house and show them in person? It seems silly to me that a teacher can lose his or her job over something so innocent, yet it is just not worth the risk to put it out on the internet for everyone to see.

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